Album d’un Voyageur

Original piano works, and transcriptions by Florian Noack

‘Among other things, there was the discovery, over the past few years, of a whole area of the repertory, those works whose composers have been inspired to write them by the various folk traditions, the unique character and the richness of each of these musical languages.’

‘I wanted to set them side by side, to explore the link between popular and art music. I also felt the urge, through the pieces assembled here, to evoke a time when music wasn’t an art object with a marginal connection to everyday life, but was an integral part of people’s daily existence, in a way that was at once simple and necessary. After all, don’t you need music for celebrations, festivals and dances?’ – Florian Noack, from the booklet notes

Diapason d’Or

‘Inspired, inspiring travelling.’


‘Splendid programming, in every respect.’
